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Specialists in Small Dog Care

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~ Since 2010

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My website is currentlly being renewed, transformed & injected with a HUGE portion of love & care...Please enjoy my temporary page in the meantime. You may also follow my Facebook page for referrals, videos & recent albums...I look forward to hearing from you! <3

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Hello all you beautiful dog lovers!!!


If you're reading this, the chances are that you have plans, or are making plans, and your furry family members are not able to join you. 


I know exactly how you feel right now - I've been there. There is a certain level of guilt and worry that you can't quite shake - because you don't want to leave your babies just anywhere. You don't want them to feel abandoned, and you want to be able to trust that the person who you choose for this important job, will love & care for them the way you do!  


That's why I am here! I am locked in and passionate about what I do - which is why I invite you & your special ones to visit me ahead of their stay for an informal "interview" - where we can all get to know each other. This will help put your mind at ease & also introduce your little one/s into the social space I have created - what fun!



The wonderful thing is that I stay at MLD, which creates a level of intimacy & attention I believe is absolutely required when caring properly for your babies...they will always have company & feel loved.


P.S. If there is anyone who needs a little extra luck would have it - I have a strict open-bed policy! ;-)


I am connected & focused on being the best hotel Mommy I can be, and what makes my heart happiest - is knowing that every dog who enters my space feels special, loved, and free to explore, make friends, learn & grow.


I would love for you to pop me a mail or give me a call, so that I may meet you & your special one, and have you join my family!





When we do the things we do...

Hotel Reservations & Queries

Mon - Thur

9 am - 4 pm



9 am - 1 pm


Check - in & outs

Mon - Sat

08h30 am - 1 pm



Mon - Sat

08h30 am - 1 pm

Strictly by appointment


Closed on Sundays 


Public holidays










First thing's first...Let's get connected...


Ineke Ann Boyle

Please send emails to

Chartwell, Fourways, Johannesburg


Include baby/s info, booking dates, as well as your preferred time to meet for their Interview.

I will confirm availability.


P.S. I am not available to answer  calls, but don't fret - I will get back to your mails as soon as I am able.
























  1. Must be16 weeks & older

  2. Must be small breeds up to Cocker Spaniel height

  3. Regret no large breed mixes.

  4. Regret no bull breeds


  1. Must be sterilized by no later than 6 months (Male & Female)

  2. Males must be neutered a month ahead of holiday.



  1. Must visit ahead of time for their informal "interview."

  2. Must be social, need not be "social butterflies."

  3. Must be ready to make friends, have fun & be loved!


  1. Must be vaccinated every 3 years.

  2. Must be de-wormed & have a tick & flea preventative.

  3. Must be vaccinated against Kennel Cough

  4. All babies are supervised 24/7

  5. Ineke stays at MLD.


The story of us...

Must Love Dogs was born on the 23rd of October 2010. I was the pioneer in the so-called, "luxury dog care" movement. Many people though I was a little crazy & that a concept like mine wouldn't work - but I did it anyway - I had to.


MLD was what some might call a "divine calling" & was birthed when I was going through a difficult time in my life. I needed somewhere lovely my own girls Janee & Leia to go to while I was away - and frankly there was nowhere near good enough.


From my lowest low, I found my light, and I am grateful every day for spotting that niche, my "magic" nearly ten years ago when I decided to be brave and follow my passion! It was a game - changer. 


I did it for me, and I did it for my girls, and now I do it for all your babies.

Being of service to all the amazing dogs who visit me is what I do best, it's my superpower - it's my LOVE in motion.


My own babies not only changed my life, but quite literally saved it, and subsequently inspired me to create change in the industry - allowing us all to look at demanding better options when it comes to how we treat & care for our special family members.


Many people who haven't used my services - assume I am a huge operation, which is a compliment - however quite far from the truth. I am MLD & MLD is me. I run my business very intimately, and I know all my "guest's" personalities, eccentricities and uniqueness the way I know my own dogs. They are a part of my heart, a part of my family, and often times take up a part of my bed! 


I take the happiness, health, and care of every dog entrusted to me very seriously - you could say I am obsessed, and that is why my reputation is what it is. I'm literally "The Crazy Dog Lady."


I don't just love dogs, I like, REALLY, love them, on a deep soul level. So.Very.Much. There is a special group of people out there who understand what I mean by this - and those kinds of people are my loyal clients, who I am grateful for every day.


Watching dogs who had never connected with other dogs - finally learn to play and have fun makes my heart skip a beat, & my body comes alive with "goosies'. It's at that moment, that everything is right in the world.


I write this in memory and gratitude for my most beautiful angel, my Princess Leia, who closed her eyes in this world and opened them in another on the 23rd July 2018. Mommy loves you forever!


To everyone who has entered my space & appreciated what I do, thank you!


Lots of love,


Ineke xx

MLD Creator & Hotel Mommy



Must Love Dogs
Love Friends Magic
"Specialists in small dog care"

- Since 2010

Wish you were here...



17 Howard Ave




South Africa


Thank you for your interest in MLD! <3

© 2010 by Ineke Ann Boyle & Must Love Dogs 

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